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WORTH’s 10 Career Resources To Follow
Like many during the pandemic - the team here at WORTH have found ourselves re-evaluating our career development; looking for new ways to connect, stand out and maybe even upskill. It had us thinking… there’s a ton of valuable content out there breaking down the world of professional development, so why not share our go-to’s? We’ve compiled a list of some of our favourites who helped us navigate job-searching, self-empowerment, networking, and everything in between.
The 3 People Every Ambitious Woman Needs in Their Circle
My first experience growing a business, from the ground up to a $12M organization, taught me many lessons. I've carried these lessons forward to the four ventures I've launched since. One of the most critical lessons I learned is that every ambitious woman needs three people in their circle at any given time to achieve success. Here's who you need and why.
Grab Your Parachute & Land Your Dream Job
A few months ago, I started on a rather ‘traditional’ job search path, but found the process limiting and discouraging. As women we naturally undersell our talents and are immediately disadvantaged in this regard. I was enlightened by the “Parachute” concept of reversing the traditional role of job seeker to instead elevate myself to a position of confidence, enablement and the power to choose.
Millennials Money Guide
We sat down with Vancouver-based finance expert Gina Judge, Founder of the Millennial Money Guide, moderated by WORTH’s Director of Education, Julie Pecarski. Together we learned how budgeting, debt, saving and investing all tie into a financial plan.
3 Simple Secrets To Rocking Boundaries & Balance
If someone had asked me this time last year to define what my boundaries were when it came to work, I would have just shrugged it off and said, “I have decent boundaries. I’m good!”. I believed that when it came to working in the hospitality and tourism industry, it was work hard to play hard and that is what I signed up for. You don’t sign up for this life if you want weekends and holidays off.
Maximize Your March With Networking & Knowledge
If you’re feeling disconnected from the tourism and hospitality industries, there are some great opportunities in March to reconnect with your industry peers and brush up on your knowledge. We rounded up 5 can’t miss low-cost and free options to help you build your resume and connections while staying on top of trends.
Top 5 Virtual Interview Tips
Looking to ace your next video interview? Career Contacts is here to provide these 5 tips to put your best [virtual] foot forward.
5 Meaningful Ways To Grow Your Network
Networking, schnetworking. Quite frankly, I did not even understand what that daunting term meant until I was knee-deep in my corporate career in luxury hotels. For many of us the mere word ‘networking’ leads to instant fear and dread. It’s easy to find excuses not to network, such as not having anything to wear, being stuck in a lockdown, not sure what you even want to ‘do’ with your life, shall I go on? There is always an excuse but almost everyone has the ability to open their eyes and get their head out of the screen.
Starting Over As The New Kid
Leaving a job you didn’t want to leave just plain sucks. Usually when starting a new job, it comes with an air of excitement, but now, the excitement is still there, but it’s different.
When I applied at my old job, I had planned to stay there for the long haul. It was a well-known hotel that offered growth opportunities and a GM who truly put people first. I had finally found my groove at the job. I felt I had the respect of my co-workers and knew where I wanted to steer my career for future growth.
Opportunity Awaits: Winter Tourism Jobs In BC
There is no denying that COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, study and play.
If you miss working and connecting with others in-person, have recently been displaced from another job or want to expand your skills and/or earn money while you study from home - then why not consider working in the BC tourism industry this winter?
Recruiting & The Future of the Job Search
Summer School is in session! Let's brush up on the basics of the application process and show you how to navigate the full cycle recruitment process as we move into a new future of recruiting.
WORTH Mentorship Program Wraps Up
WORTH Association launched a mentorship program in January, 2020. A first for our industry, the program paired over 40 women from Whistler, Victoria and Vancouver. Our matches came with different backgrounds and experiences, but the one thing they all share in common is their love of the industry.
Over six months, the pairs connected in person, by phone, through text or virtually. With the guidance from their mentors, we saw women ask for pay increases, earn promotions, relocate and return to school. We felt especially grateful to our mentors who supported their proteges through the disruption caused by the pandemic.