Get Connected with WORTH

Who is WORTH Association for?

WORTH is for the women who refuse to accept broken rung, the communities lifting them up, and the allies ready to listen and take action.  If you believe in building a more equitable and diverse industry, you're in the right place and you are not alone.

WORTH Association works to educate, elevate and engage women at all stages of their career journey. We use an inclusive definition of the terms woman and female. We welcome trans, queer and non-binary people in our community as well as allies who believe in building a more inclusive future.

Our newsletter is your go-to source for:

  • Articles that matter from women across different backgrounds, roles, and experiences shaping the industry

  • Opportunities to connect, from networking events to meaningful conversations

  • Career-boosting programs designed to accelerate self-identifying women’s leadership ambitions

  • Ways to take action, whether you’re here to learn or help move the dial forward

Let’s build a better industry, together.