Superwoman Or Super-Burned Out? (Part 1)
Burnout is a known occupational risk in the hospitality, tourism and recreational industries. In fact, the World Health Organization has named burnout an "occupational phenomenon" and considers it a legitimate diagnosis.
In Part 1 of our burnout series, we uncovered some of the key ways you could be contributing to burnout and how to gain more control and self-awareness in your life. (ICYMI you can watch it here)
In Part 2, you'll learn:
The four cornerstones of health that will support your burnout recovery or help to prevent burnout and maintain optimal health
Ways to create your own daily "recovery" plan
The ideal forms of movement that won't leave you exhausted or depleted
Nutrition to help support efficient energy
A glimpse into how to cycle sync for productivity
Ways to incorporate more joy into your life by learning to create boundaries
Theresa Lambert is a former hotel General Manager turned Executive Leadership Coach who helps high-achieving professionals that feel stressed, overwhelmed and stuck, navigate uncertainty and forge ahead with grace, ease and confidence.
Julie Pecarski is the Director of Education for WORTH Association, a Human Resources Practitioner, and a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who helps ambitious women lose stress-related weight without restricting calories so that they can boost confidence and energy.