Own Your WORTH: A Guide to Goal Setting

Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves of one simple but powerful truth: You are enough. This message is worth repeating, especially as we set our goals for the year ahead.

You are enough for your friends and family, even when you prioritize your career.
You are enough for your team, even when there’s still more to do.
You are enough, even when you think you could do better.

Set goals from this place of confidence and self-worth. This reminder is especially important for women, who often face unique challenges when it comes to goal setting. It’s not uncommon to hesitate or second-guess bold ambitions, sometimes feeling self-doubt or even shame for aiming high. That’s why setting goals with confidence and authenticity is so important.

Common Goal-Setting Pitfalls

Research from sources like Harvard Business School, University of Michigan, and UN Women consistently shows that societal perceptions, pressures, and gender biases impact women’s career goals and ambitions. In everyday experiences, women often fall into patterns when setting goals that can limit their potential. Here are some common pitfalls:

  1. Setting Goals With Limitations

"It’s not the right time." "They probably prefer someone else for this promotion." "I’m too young." "I’m too old." "I’m too busy with the kids." "They won’t take me seriously." "I’m just not ready yet."

How often have thoughts like these crept into your mind when considering a bold goal? Life presents challenges, but they don’t define your potential. Next time you find yourself saying, “I’m not ready” or “This isn’t the right time,” ask yourself: Is this my doubt talking, or is this a real barrier? Challenge those thoughts and give yourself permission to set goals that reflect your true ambitions. You are far more ready than you think.

2. Setting Goals for Others

Many women feel the unspoken (or spoken) pressure to be everything to everyone—to be the most reliable team leader, the most present parent, the most supportive partner, or the friend who’s always there no matter what. While these roles are meaningful and fulfilling, they sometimes come at the expense of our personal goals and ambitions.

Have you ever set a goal only to realize it was motivated by what others needed from you, rather than what you truly wanted for yourself?

3. Setting Goals Based on Judgment

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t win, no matter what you did? You may have experienced the "double bind": the impossible set of expectations placed on women. Be ambitious, but not too ambitious. Lead with confidence, but don’t be too assertive. Show you care, but don’t be too emotional. It’s a constant balancing act, and it can leave you feeling stuck and frustrated. Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Maybe you’ve held back from applying for a promotion because you feared being labeled as “too pushy.” Perhaps you hesitated to launch a passion project because you worried people would think it was frivolous or unrealistic. Or maybe you’ve played it safe in your career because you didn’t want to risk being seen as “too much” or “not enough.”

Your goals are yours to define, and the opinions of others don’t have to be the compass that guides your path.

4. Setting Goals too Publicly, or too Privately

A 2021 Barcelona School of Economics study found that women perform better when their goals are kept private. Public scrutiny can lead to performance anxiety and hinder success.

It’s completely okay to keep your goals to yourself if that helps you perform at your best. Privacy can protect your confidence and allow you to focus without the pressure of external expectations. On the flip side, being bold and sharing your ambitions can open doors to new opportunities, support, and recognition. 

The key is finding a balance that works for you, whether that means staying private, being more outspoken, or somewhere in between.

An Unconventional Approach to Setting Goals

Give yourself permission to set bold, ambitious goals without self-imposed constraints. 

  1. Shift your perspective

Write down your goals. Once you’ve listed them, take a moment to step back and ask yourself:

  • If I were advising a friend, would I push any of these goals higher or lower on the list?

  • If I let go of the barriers I expect to face, would I set different goals for myself?

  • And here’s a bold one: What would the most fearless version of myself do?

Sometimes, a little distance and a shift in perspective can help you see your goals in a whole new light. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself—your ambitions are worth it!

2. Ditch the “Good” Label

Women often feel the pressure to be a “good mom,” “good partner,” or “good employee”—sometimes at the expense of their own ambitions. This desire to meet others’ expectations can sometimes cloud true goals. When setting goals, ask yourself:

  • Am I doing this for me, or to fulfill a role someone else expects me to play?

Let go of the need to fit into these labels. Your worth isn’t defined by how well you meet everyone else’s needs.

3. Trust Yourself

By aligning your goals with what truly inspires you, whether it be personal growth, strong relationships, or positive impact, you create a powerful foundation for fulfillment. Your ability to persevere, collaborate, and adapt makes you unstoppable, even in the face of challenges. With your unique skills and capacity, you have everything you need to turn big dreams into achievable steps. Trust in your strengths, embrace your determination, and know that you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind to.

So go ahead, set those ambitious goals—and trust in your ability to achieve them, step by step. You’ve got this!

Remember: You are enough. Set goals that honour your worth, your ambitions, and your potential. The world is waiting for your unique brilliance—go get it!


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