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Women of WORTH WORTH Association Women of WORTH WORTH Association

Real Talk With Maya Lange

Maya Lange has become a household name for many in B.C.’s tourism industry through her impactful role as VP of Global Marketing for Destination British Columbia. Read on to find out more about what lies ahead for the tourism industry and Maya’s advice on conquering impostor syndrome, building a strong network and the power of pivoting.

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Health & Wellbeing WORTH Association Health & Wellbeing WORTH Association

The Power Of Scent: Creating A Home Sanctuary

This past year has left many of us hungry for something to sniff about. That yummy smell you experience, when you enter a hotel or restaurant is typically crafted with a thoughtful approach. We spoke with Melody Lim, owner and creator of Mala candles, to gain insight on how to create a home sanctuary and maximize the benefits of scent.

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Women of WORTH WORTH Association Women of WORTH WORTH Association

Real Talk With Ingrid Jarrett

The first-ever female President and CEO of the British Columbia Hotel Association (BCHA), Ingrid Jarrett is an industry powerhouse who has spent the past three decades directly contributing to building the tourism sector across BC and Canada. Her impressive resume spans leadership roles along with volunteer work in leadership positions on several tourism boards. She found time in her incredibly busy schedule to sit down and talk with us about her tourism leadership journey and share her advice for other women in leadership.

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