Battling The Block & Planning For Impact

After the end of one chaotic year, I found it challenging to set goals, make resolutions, create a vision board or even select a ‘word’ for 2021. How could I consider what might lie ahead while I was trying to make sense of the past? I was still processing a year that left me burnt out and depleted.  

I did not anticipate to find clarity on the future by tapping the top of my head during an IG live. But that’s exactly what happened when Heather Katherine, founder of the Fully Lit Method joined us for our first event of 2021. She helped us release the attachment of identity from our jobs through something called emotional freedom technique. With a bit of skepticism, I repeated her affirming words while tapping on energy ‘hot spots’ on my face and body. I’m not sure if it was the acupressure, the pep talk, or her radiant energy… but something shifted. Her workshop reminded me that so many of my past resolutions were dedicated to fixing something about myself. She took resolutions off the table, as she challenged me to think about self-worth instead of self-improvement. 

Even without resolutions, I felt I should at least set several specific goals. I joined dozens of women of WORTH for a session called Planning with Purpose with Lisa Michaud. She taught us about defining success in a time of uncertainty. She (gasp!) gave us the permission to scrap our SMART goals. Lisa asked us to reflect on what we achieved in the last decade, and what we desire in the next one. We spoke about habits and how we ultimately want to feel. Forget trying to measure goals, she wanted us to consider how we measure our purpose. 

By mid- January I was left with no resolutions, no goals, and a vision board that’s basically just tropical beaches. I was even still struggling to find a word for 2021.  That’s when I watched Natasha Jeshani from Career Contacts in part 3 of Colourful Conversations. A recruitment consultant and author, Natasha joined Tolu Aladejebi from Black in Hospitality on our IG live to talk about privilege, transparency and intention. Watching these powerhouse women speak candidly about combating racism in the workplace impacted me. Women from WORTH shared the same feeling. We admire them for their words, but also the impact they are making in their careers and community. 

Inspired by how that left me feeling, I selected my word for 2021./imˈpakt/ to have a strong effect on someone or something. How can we make an impact for women of WORTH?  

If 2020 taught me anything, it’s that we need to do more to reach an equal and inclusive world for all women, especially those from the BIPOC community. We need to alter our lives to allow us to be true to our core values. We need to consider our health and wellness, and take care of those around us. We won’t get there with SMART goals, failed resolutions or vision boards. But we might get closer if we consider how, as women, we can make an impact. 

Thanks to a dedicated board of directors, volunteers and community partners, we show up every day to impact the lives of women of recreation, tourism and hospitality. 2021, we’re ready for you. 


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